Engage® Pediatrics
Provide your students with an interactive, digital learning experience that weaves in activities including case studies, multimedia, quizzes, and is dedicated to assisting students in understanding the complexities of pediatric diseases and treatments.
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Encourage student confidence in care for pediatric clients and their families.
With evidence-based content focused on caring for pediatric clients across the lifespan and various health alterations in the pediatric population, your students will become proficient in caring for and communicating with pediatric clients and their families.

Up to 80% of college students don’t read the assigned materials, especially Gen Z students, who have grown up with technology and online learning — not physical textbooks — as a fundamental part of their daily lives1.
11Zeivots S. Up to 80% of Uni students don’t read their assigned readings. Here are 6 helpful tips for teachers. The Conversation. Accessed August 27, 2022. https://theconversation.com/up-to-80-of-uni-students-dont-read-their-assigned-readings-here-are-6-helpful-tips-for-teachers-165952
With Engage Pediatrics your students will enjoy:
- 25 interactive learning modules
- Podcasts and audiobooks
- Documentation activities in EHR
- Test banks with NGN items
- Clinical Judgment activities
- And more!

With 25 learning modules, Engage Pediatrics covers all the need-to-know pediatrics content:

Overview of Pediatric Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing Today
- Genetics and Genomics in Pediatric Nursing
- Health Assessment of Pediatric Clients

Caring for Pediatric Clients Across the Lifespan
- Newborns: 2 to 28 Days
- Infants: 1 Month to 1 Year
- Toddlers: 1 to 3 Years
- Preschoolers: 3 to 6 Years
- School-Age Children: 6 to 12 Years
- Adolescents: 12 to 20 Years

Specific Considerations in the Pediatric Population
- Communicable Diseases and Immunizations
- Pediatric Clients in the Hospital Setting
- Disabilities and Chronic Illness
- Terminal Illness and End of Life

Health Alterations in the Pediatric Populations
- Sensory Nervous System
- Cognitive System
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular System
- Gastrointestinal System
- Endocrine System
- Immune System
- Genitourinary System
- Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal System
- Neurological System
- Hematological System
- Integumentary System
We have everything you need to put Engage Pediatrics to use right away:
- PowerPoints
- Test banks with NGN items
- Implementation guides
- Clinical judgment case studies with concept maps
- Skills checklists
- Expert charts for EHR documentation activities
- Self-reflection activities
Ready to reimagine your classroom with the Engage Series?
For more information about the Engage Series products, contact your Client Executive or fill out the form and an ATI representative will contact you soon.
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