Faculty Development from the experts
Educatingnurses.com is a faculty development resource created by Dr. Patricia Benner, R.N., PhD, including articles, videos, learning guides, continuing education modules and more.
Dr. Benner is a noted nurse educator, author and Director of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching National Nursing Education Study. Along with esteemed colleges in the nursing field, Dr. Benner has created a library of essential resources for your nursing program all on one site. Educatingnurses.com includes articles, videos, learning guides, continuing education modules and nursing education modules.
Nursing Education Modules are organized into 6 content areas including:
Module 1: Entering the Practice of Nursing Education — Designed for new teachers and those who want to make their teaching more interactive.
Module 2: Discussion Triggers — Designed to stimulate classroom discussion and critical reflection.
Module 3: From Novice to Mastery — Demonstrates Novice to Expert Theory for teaching, learning and assessment.
Module 4: Transforming the Nursing Curriculum — Demonstrates how to transform your curriculum to prepare students to be test-ready, practice-ready and lifelong learners.
Module 5: Integrating Clinical Practice — Learn how integrating clinical practice into your classrooms can increase student engagement and develop deeper learning and clinical imagination.
Module 6: Making the Large Classroom More Interactive — Transform your large classes into immersive inquiry-oriented learning environments.

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