Learning NGN
ATI solutions layer in nursing knowledge, clinical judgment, and hundreds of Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) style items across the curriculum, from beginning to end.
Knowledge, skills, and confidence are multiplied as ATI solutions follow the same proven formula we’ve used for years – Learn → Apply → Assess → Remediate → Repeat – now enhanced with NGN item types and metrics to measure clinical judgment.
1. Build faculty confidence in their understanding of NGN changes and familiarity with new item types, partial-scoring features, and how to write NGN items.
ATI’s Consulting Services team provides virtual or in-person workshops to help your faculty prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX. Offerings include learner-centered strategies for the Next Generation NCLEX and item writing, analysis, and test blueprinting. Contact us >
Interested in joining one of our upcoming complimentary item-writing workshops? Request an invite >
ATI is frequently talking “Next Gen NCLEX” in ongoing webinars like the ATI Talk and more. Explore our complete library of recorded webinars and courses in ATI Academy or review upcoming live webinars anytime.
Visit our robust website full of NGN references and resources, including ATI’s premium NGN Guidebook for educators. Learn more >

2. Establish students' understanding of clinical judgment early on so students can incorporate the 6 functions into their thinking as they progress.
From new learning styles to a wide variety of interactive activities, ATI’s Engage Series brings the future beyond textbooks. Application moves alongside learning content and features interwoven multi-media, all in one place for a learning experience that truly engages today’s students. In the Engage Fundamentals Clinical Decision-Making unit, students learn about the clinical judgment process, priority setting frameworks, and managing client care. With the release of Engage 2.0, students now encounter interwoven content and application activities aligned to the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. Learn more >
Students learn the foundational ideas and concepts of nursing as a profession, including ATI’s "Helix of Success," illustrating how knowledge and clinical judgment prepare students for academic and NCLEX success. Nursing knowledge content and test-question logic prepare students to make clinical judgments on both test questions and in real-life scenarios. Learn more >
3. Develop clinical judgment skills defined by the NCSBN's Clinical Judgment Measurement Model, including hundreds of practice opportunities of varying levels of complexity throughout the program with sequential thinking, delegation, prioritization, and a diverse variety of client scenarios and activities.
From new learning styles to a wide variety of interactive activities, ATI’s Engage Series brings the future beyond textbooks. Application moves alongside learning content and features interwoven multi-media, all in one place for a learning experience that truly engages today’s students. Clinical judgment content and activities align to the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. Learn more >
Engage Community & Public Health 2.0
Develops clinical judgment skills in the context of realistic, and often hard to come by, community and public health clients and scenarios, including practice in virtual application simulations with windshield surveys.
Engage Fundamentals 2.0
Develops clinical judgment skills in the context of Fundamentals course topics, featuring application activities including unfolding case studies and more.
Engage Mental Health 2.0
Develops clinical judgment skills in the context of realistic mental health clients and scenarios, including use of virtual application simulations and more.
Students develop and practice clinical judgment skills as they perform multi-system assessments with a diverse set of virtual clients. Students learn and grow as they are challenged to identify expected and unexpected findings, determine nursing interventions, and practice documentation. Learn more >
Students engage in tutorials, case studies, practice and proctored assessments, and video and virtual interactions as they learn professional nursing practices — including clinical judgment. In The Communicator, students engage a critical component of the 6 Clinical Judgment Functions, “recognize cues,” as they learn, practice, and develop therapeutic communication skills conversing with realistic, diverse, and high-risk virtual clients. Learn more >
Screen-based simulations develop critical thinking, clinical decision-making, and clinical judgment skills using branching logic with live actor client scenarios. Students experience emotional fidelity with clients as they make important decisions that significantly impact client outcomes. Rationales provide immediate feedback after decisions are made. Learn more >
Live-actor video scenarios help students visualize what to expect in clinicals, ending with a question. Students exercise clinical judgment skills to form and articulate their own plan of care, then hear an expert response, which they consider as they complete a self-reflection. Learn more >
With more than 600 realistic, unfolding screen-based simulations, students practice activities such as prioritization, delegation, med-pass with multiple clients, managing distractions, and many other key components in the development of clinical judgment skills across the entire curriculum. Specialty areas include community health, mental health, and OB. (comma after “health”). Learn more >
Skills Modules brings to life more than 180 nursing skills featuring tutorials, step-by-step demonstration videos, checklists, clinical judgment call-outs, animations, pre- and post-tests, challenge cases, remediation, and practice with virtual clients in hospital and clinic-based settings using virtual scenario simulations. Learn more >

4. Assess, measure, and remediate student and cohort clinical judgment skills using assessments, detailed reporting, and remediation. Link back to specific ATI modules – all aligned to the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model’s 6 cognitive functions.
The Content Mastery Series is designed to provide data related to a student’s mastery of specific concepts related to the NCLEX®. Each core content area includes a proctored assessment and online practice assessment, as well as remediation materials in print and online. Learn more >
This test-authoring tool allows you to create and maintain exams quickly and easily by providing you with thousands of test items from an expansive ATI item bank and giving you the ability to create your own custom items. Furthermore, the tool provides step-by-step instructions for the Next Gen NCLEX item types. CAB also includes test banks for the ATI Engage Series. Learn more >
Comprehensive Predictor is the last stop for students before they enter intensive NCLEX® prep. This three-hour, 180-item, proctored test is designed to help students assess their likelihood of passing the NCLEX while detailing areas for further remediation. Learn more >
ATI’s standardized RN Concept-Based Assessments cover 46 different key nursing concepts in our online practice and proctored assessments. Learn more >
5. Build student preparedness and confidence in answering the new NGN item types, including practice with hundreds of items and realistic use of partial scoring.
Included in all assessments listed in previous section, plus:
This overview is designed to give students exposure to the Next Generation NCLEX item types in a low-stakes environment. Comprised of non-nursing related questions, students can experience each new item type.
This tool exposes both faculty and students to future assessment techniques, videos, and practice with new item formats. Learn more >
The Comprehensive Live Review is an all-inclusive, live or virtual study session, hosted by an ATI nurse educator, covering essential nursing content that aligns with the NCLEX blueprint. Learn more >
Virtual-ATI® is a 12-week online review option that pairs students directly with a virtual coach for their NCLEX® prep. Learn more >

6. Give faculty visibility by predicting student preparedness for NCLEX with clear insights to at-risk students and cohorts and focused remediation recommendations linked to specific ATI modules.
ATI Pulse provides students and educators with early predictions of success on each of ATI’s Content Mastery Series assessments as well as probability of passing NCLEX. Learn more >
Comprehensive Predictor is the last stop for students before they enter intensive NCLEX® prep. This three-hour, 180-item, proctored test is designed to help students assess their likelihood of passing the NCLEX while detailing areas for further remediation. Learn more >
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