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ATI Capstone Comprehensive Content Review


The ATI Capstone Comprehensive Content Review was designed to partner with your nursing program as students prepare for graduation. Capstone is tailored to your program and integrated as a supplement to your current pre-graduation curriculum in preparation for the Comprehensive Predictor® exam.

The program’s customized integration is designed to help students assess and remediate on important content, while increasing their accountability and providing educators more time to focus on curriculum.

Here’s how it works:
  • Students spend approximately 4-6 hours per week engaging in their review, depending on their knowledge level.
  • A weekly report with students’ progress is sent to schools, identifying those who require additional review time, enabling faculty to provide better remediation.
  • Students are paired with an educator to guide them through a pre-set calendar of online content review before sitting for the ATI Comprehensive Predictor.
  • Student are provided a personalized study plan based on the knowledge level determined from their assessments.
Each week, students focus on one specific content area, moving through the following either in class or from home:
  • Pre-assessment quiz
  • Content area assessment
  • Individualized Focused Review®
  • Individualized post-assessment assignment provided by the educator
  • Weekly review tips available in the classroom

Contact us to learn more

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