Dr. Kimberly Sharp

Dr. Kimberly Sharp RN, PhD, BSN, MSc, OHND, PhD


Dr Kimberly Sharp is the Dean of the School of Nursing at Mississippi College.  Originally from Canada, Kimberly graduated as a nurse in Ohio in 1985 and has worked in various nursing roles in Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The United Sates.

Moving into nurse education following a period of being a nurse researcher, she has taught at baccalaureate and graduate level in a range of colleges on both sides of the Atlantic as well as in Asia.  Her specialist field is in Occupational health Nursing, but she has also worked in community health, OR, and general practice.

She has a particular interest in graduate education and has established several graduate programs, full time as well as distance learning/mixed delivery, and has supervised several tertiary level students to thesis completion.

Her current interest is in the use of simulation for teaching nursing staff as well as nursing students and she has designed and managed three nursing simulation centers.

She was the founder and General Manager of LC Family Health LLC, a nurse led clinic delivering health care services to the population of Central Louisiana.