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Accreditation Support​

Varied Hours & Contact Hours​

Consulting support is available for programs seeking initial or reaccreditation with ACEN, CCNE and NLN CNEA.​

Our expert consultants can:​

  • Review of select Standards in self-study report, such as Outcomes or Curriculum​
  • Review and/or revision of systematic evaluation plan Provide a mock site visit​

Includes the following ATI Program Manager component support:

  • Curriculum Management​
  • Evaluations​
  • Systematic Evaluation Plan​

Best Practices Using ATI Data in Program Evaluation​

3 Hours​

This workshop will explore end of program student learning outcomes, program outcomes, and best practice for use of ATI assessment measures in program evaluation. Faculty will improve their skills in program evaluation and appropriate use of data as accrediting agencies and state boards of nursing emphasize student outcomes as a primary measure of program quality and effectiveness.​

In this workshop our expert consultants will:​

  • Discuss the components of program evaluation and the role of a systematic evaluation plan​
  • Define student learning outcomes (SLOs) as used in systematic evaluation Differentiate curriculum evaluation and program evaluation​
  • Discuss expected level of achievement and benchmarks​
  • Identify effective methods and tools for assessing student learning outcomes, including ATI assessment measures​
  • Discuss best practices and recommendations for using ATI assessment data in program evaluation​

Includes the following ATI Program Manager component support:

  • Evaluations​
  • Systematic Evaluation Plan​

Overview of Candidacy or Accreditation Process​

3 Hours / 2.5 Contact Hours​

This workshop will provide a detailed examination of the accreditation process, emphasizing its role in continuous quality improvement. Participants will explore the faculty's role in accreditation and review accreditation standards and evidence. Additionally, attendees will develop a timeline to ensure thorough preparation for a successful accreditation visit.​

In this workshop our expert consultants will:​

  • Examine the process of nursing program accreditation and its relationship to continuous quality improvement.​
  • Discuss faculty role in accreditation.​
  • Analyze accreditation standards and supporting documentation.​
  • Analyze how the evaluation plan and self-study are critical to a successful accreditation visit.​
  • Develop optimal timeline for successful accreditation preparation​.
​Includes the following ATI Program Manager component support:
  • Curriculum Management​
  • Evaluations​
  • Systematic Evaluation Plan

Overview of Program Evaluation and Systematic Evaluation Plan​

3 Hours / 2.5 Contact Hours​

This workshop will provide an overview of program evaluation, including the importance and key components of a systematic evaluation plan. Participants will learn how to differentiate between curriculum and program evaluation, establish benchmarks for achievement, and identify effective methods and tools for assessing achievement of student learning outcomes.​

In this workshop our expert consultants will:​

  • Discuss the components of program evaluation and the role of a systematic evaluation plan​
  • Define student learning outcomes (SLOs) as used in systematic evaluation
  • Differentiate curriculum evaluation and program evaluation​
  • Discuss expected level of achievement and benchmarks​
  • Identify effective methods and tools for assessing student learning outcomes​

Includes the following ATI Program Manager component support:

  • Curriculum Management​
  • Evaluations​
  • Systematic Evaluation Plan​