NCSBN features article by Drs. Phillips & Knecht
Dec 7, 2023, 12:42 PM
ATI Marketing Team
"The rise of online interactive educational programs has created a new mode of just-in-time learning for today’s students. Research suggests that online interactive education programs may be just as effective as traditional textbooks at supporting nursing school students throughout their academic careers, as well as on the NCLEX."
The Fall 2023 issue of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Leader to Leader publication features an article helping educators recognize the need for adopting more online interactive learning tools.
The 3-page feature was written by Strategic Nursing Advisor Beth Cusatis Phillips, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE, and Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer Patty Knecht, PhD, RN, ANEF.
Titled "Engaging today’s learners: Innovative strategies for teaching nursing students," the article sources nearly a dozen references, It describes how educators must understand how students utilize technology, determine how to motivate them best, and leverage solutions to enhance and strengthen learning.
The authors state, "All of this will increase student engagement and, more importantly, it will fulfill their inherent need to use technology while being better prepared for nursing practice. By adapting to these fundamental changes, we can empower our students to grow and succeed as professional nurses."
Read the full article at: https://www.ncsbn.org/public-files/LTL_Fall2023.pdf
ATI helps create competent, practice-ready nurses who are dedicated to maintaining public safety and ensuring the future of healthcare. As the leading provider of online learning programs for nursing, we support and help educate future nurses from admissions, throughout undergraduate and graduate nursing school, and via continuing education over the course of their careers. Our company began in 1998 with the aid of a nurse, and our team of doctorate- and master’s-prepared nurse educators continue to lead the development of our psychometrically designed and data-driven solutions. These solutions improve faculty effectiveness, fuel student progress, and advance program outcomes in three distinct areas: assessing performance, remediating problem areas, and predicting future student and program success. For nursing school administrators and nurse educators, ATI is the trusted advisor that consistently drives nursing success.
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