Leawood, Kan. (Nov 15, 2021) — When it comes to putting the new INACSL standards into practice, simulation experts’ advice isn’t necessarily what you would expect.
Christine Heid, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE, for example, has watched the unfolding of simulation within nursing education. Early on, she could envision how the technology could change nursing and was immediately fascinated. Devoting herself to research in the areas of online and technology-mediated teaching and learning, her insight grew, as did her belief in sim’s importance.
In an article on the ATI Nursing Education Educator Blog, Dr. Christine, Nursing Education Consultant for ATI, teams up with colleague Penni Watts, PhD, RN, CHSE-A, FSSH, FAAN, Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Simulation at the University of Alabama – Birmingham School of Nursing and member of the INACSL Board of Directors. Together, they share advice on how to put the new INACSL standards to use and avoid being overwhelmed by the task.
Read their advice here.
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