Official ATI TEAS Prep App
Gain 90-day access to more than 2,300 questions.
Free and premium versions available

2300+ questions
Get access to over 2300 questions - all aligned to the ATI TEAS Version 7 exam.

No recurring charges
Choose between 30-day or 90-day access. We won't auto-renew your access.

Question of the day
View the question of the day to get a new TEAS question every day.

Custom quizzes
Create customized quizzes or let ATI create them for you.

Quizzes by subject
Take quizzes by subject area. You may select between 5 and 100 questions for each quiz.

Study / exam mode
Select between study mode to show or hide detailed rationale for right and wrong answers.

Detailed rationales
View detailed rationales for both right and wrong answers in study mode.

Performance tracking
Launch quizzes directly from your results and focus on the areas that need improvement.
2300+ questions
Quiz questions aligned to the ATI TEAS Version 7 exam
Alternate item types
Includes new alternate item question types like select-all-that-apply and ordered response.
Detailed questions and rationales
Rationales for right and wrong answers from the creator of the exam.

Custom quizzes
Create custom quizzes based on subject areas
Focus on areas that you want to improve
Spend time on the subjects that need the most improvement. Dive deeper into specific topic areas within each subject.
Test once, test twice, and test again
Create custom quizzes and save them to take again or create new custom quizzes. You can also let ATI choose your random questions as well. With 2300+ questions, you won’t see the same question over and over.

The Official ATI TEAS App is the ONLY App from the creators of the TEAS exam.

Free version
(Unlimited access)
80 questions
2 quizzes per topic area
Ability to flag and unflag questions
Results dashboard
Question of the day

(30 day access)
2300+ questions
Quick start quizzes by subject area
Study mode or exam mode
One-time payment
Performance dashboard
Question of the day

(90 day access)
2300+ questions
Quick start quizzes by subject area
Study mode or exam mode
One time payment
Performance dashboard
Question of the day
Want to renew your access? Get an additional 30 days of access directly within your app for $13.99 or 90 days of additional access for $32.99.
ATI TEAS Prep products including the ATI TEAS Study Guide, ATI TEAS Online Practice Test, ATI TEAS SmartPrep, and the ATI TEAS Mobile App can solely be used to prepare for the ATI TEAS exam and all other uses are strictly prohibited. ATI TEAS Prep content cannot be copied or shared with others. Use of ATI TEAS Prep does not guarantee that you will achieve any certain score on the TEAS exam or be admitted into any program.
No returns, refunds or credits are available for ATI TEAS prep products.