Receive personalized education from an expert

Virtual-ATI® + BoardVitalsTM

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Virtual-ATI + BoardVitals

Receive personalized education from an expert

Virtual-ATI is a guaranteed, 12-week NCLEX preparation review. Each participant has access to an expert ATI Nurse Educator who works with you one-on-one to verify you’re ready for success. The self-paced nature allows educators to provide content assessments and study plans based on individual needs. After the 12-week period, you can earn your “Green Light” when the ATI Nurse Educator deems you ready to take NCLEX with a likelihood of success.

Virtual-ATI students also gain access to BoardVitals

Students who purchase Virtual-ATI also gain access to BoardVitals, the NCLEX prep quiz bank giving relevant practice with NCLEX-style items to increase test confidence. Learn More

Virtual-ATI includes:

Answers & rationale

Students receive content assessments with practice questions and rationales for correct and incorrect answers based on their individual needs.

12 weeks of access

12-week access to the mobile-friendly, online classroom (available 24/7) that includes more than 400 on-demand resources, 30-days prior to graduation.

Post-Review study plan

A post-review study plan is provided with remediation resources to use after the "Green Light" or 12-week period ends to continue preparation until NCLEX.

Extra time is available

Students can purchase an additional 12-weeks of access for a discounted rate. With repurchase, progress reports will be shared with the student’s affiliated institution, unless requested otherwise.


Virtual-ATI participants are responsible to know and maintain their graduation eligibility status with their school. ATI does not recommend that schools use Virtual-ATI for high stakes purposes. You will need to address any graduation decisions and NCLEX eligibility directly with your school and not with ATI.

Click here to view the Virtual-ATI terms.

BoardVitals includes:

Adaptive quizzes

Comprehensive, adaptive quizzes adjust to student performance and provide easier or more challenging questions based on how students answer the previous questions.

Detailed rationales

Rich artwork, detailed rationales and a new Practice Connection feature help students link concepts to practice.

Thousands of questions

Includes 3,700+ RN questions and 1,800+ PN questions with detailed rationales that align to the NCLEX® blueprint.

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The proof is in the pass rates


Student's National Pass Rate
Virtual-ATI students with a green light pass rate


Student's National Pass Rate
Virtual-ATI students with a green light pass rate

*All NCLEX pass rate is data based on FY 2024 NCLEX-RN and PN test takers. National pass rates were obtained from the NCSBN website and are for first-time, US educated NCLEX-RN and PN test takers. Virtual-ATI pass rates are self-reported NCLEX outcomes for students who participated in Virtual-ATI and received a Green Light to take NCLEX from their Virtual-ATI Educator. These comparisons are descriptive in nature and do not reflect a true experimental design.

Available for both RN & PN

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Virtual-ATI NCLEX-RN Review + BoardVitals

Improve your chances of passing NCLEX with Virtual-ATI and BoardVitals.
$567 | Buy Now
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Virtual-ATI NCLEX-PN Review + BoardVitals

Improve your chances of passing NCLEX with Virtual-ATI and BoardVitals.
$510 | Buy Now
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